
Liz Slater, Honors each of the 911 Loved ones with the Tempe Arizona's 911 Memorial, Field of Flags

John Johnson at the Field of Flags with his contribution to honor the families of those lost at the World Trade Center and in the war on Terror. Each of the names is listed below the memorial to honor their bravery, honor & courage.

Estelle Witkowski visits the 911 Flag memorial in Tempe, AZ with her family. They send their regards and bring their memories from N.Y. especially to their son & brother who is an FDNY firefighter. God Bless FDNY Heroes & their Families and all those lost & their Families this 5th Anniversary, Sept 11, 2006!


National Unity Flag Displayed at Healing Field in Tempe, AZ

Facts about the National Unity Flag

It stands nearly 3 stories high and measures over a thousand square feet and included the flags of the 50 states and 6 US districts. The flag includes the names of each of those lost on 911. They are sewn in 3 colors: red for the firemen, blue for the police and black for each of the civilians. In the center is the Statue of Liberty looking proudly to the heavens. The border of the flag is patriotic red, white and blue and states "3046 lost and 290,000,000 United".

Randy Cooney, designer of the National Unity Flag, displays his work as a patriotic tribute to all the victims of Sept 11th at Tempe Park in Arizona at the Field of Flags Memorial. The National Unity Flag has been signed by all members of the United States Senate. Quite a tribute!

The flag, designed by Randy, was constructed by a high school teacher, Cathy Wallace, and a few of her students at Ironwood High School and several adult volunteers. This flag has been and will continue to be displayed throughout the country.

The National Unity Flag was conceived in a state of reflective thought after witnessing the US Congress spontaneously join hands and sing God Bless America shortly after the horrific and shattering events of September 11th, 2001. This historically divided group stood before a broken nation, reached out and symbolically said we will get through this together.

 These pictures of the Field of Flags Memorial in Tempe,
 AZ were taken by Linda, see her words below after viewing this beautiful memorial.

"Here are three of my favorite photos from the Sept 11, 2004  flag display in Tempe, AZ... It was the most awesome feeling to walk among these flags and know that they stood there for someone. Some innocent person who was working on that fateful day, or for a brave firefighter or policeman that lost their life trying to rescue people.  the photo with the parent walking in there with the little kids, makes me wonder if the children will grow up with the knowledge of what happened that day.  The photo of the flags in the trees seems peaceful, quiet and calm..  There was such a peace there that day, with military people there, some families of those in Iraq,  speeches, music, etc.  But I guess nothing will ever replace what happened to those 3000 people.  But the symbolic display of the 3000 flags in Tempe, AZ that day, lets people know that we remember what happened on Sept 11, 2001, and that we will never forget."




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